As much as I love summer, it's been a bittersweet. One of my very best friends and her husband are moving to Houston on Friday. I can't tell you how many going away dinners we've had with Val just to spend time with her. I'm so happy for them and the adventure they are about to embark upon, but I will miss her dearly. Pray for Valorie and Scott and their transition. Love you both!
Sarah, Valorie and me at one of the many going away dinners.
I FINALLY (dum da da dum) got a job! It makes me want to jump up and down and sing songs from Oliver Twist. For those of you who know me well, you know I love the music from Oliver Twist. I'll be a Spanish I teacher at a nearby school district. I'll be a floater which means I won't have my own classroom. There are pros and cons to that. Of course, I'd much rather have my own room. The Pro is I won't have to decorate a room. Am I nervous? YES. They use a program I've never taught with before and it terrifies me. I still haven't gone through training for that yet. All in all I'm very excited, thankful, and relieved to have a job for this coming year. And at a public school to boot! Goodbye CAC...hello savings account!
Over and out with a little shout!
Super excited for your job! Sounds like a great one!!!
Congrats on your job! You'll do great!
have I told you how beautiful you are lately?! You're BEAUTIFUL!! Inside and out!
Thank you girls! Erin, that means a lot. I hope you are doing well little momma!
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