Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Hostels are booked!!

Hello friends!! Brian got the hostels for Sevilla and Cadiz booked.

Sevilla    http://www.oasissevilla.com/sevilla   We got a room with four beds so hopefully they won't put a anyone else in the room with us!! This hostel has bathroom in the room and free breakfast. Seems fun! This one is going to run about $29.57 each.

Cadiz    http://www.hostelincadiz.com/eng/  We are again in a four person. It's either a four, six, or ten I believe. Let's hope they don't book a fourth person, and it will be like a private room. This one is going to run us about $33.15 each.

So far, our housing total is $63.00 each. Of course, mine is substantially larger due to my extra time in Europe. I'd say $63.00 isn't half bad for two nights. Brian is still researching Madrid. It's so big it's hard to find a spot. We will be there three nights, so if anyone has any ideas let me know. Now on to Morocco...the more I hear, the less I want to go. All but one story about Morocco has been good, and that scares me a little bit. Those who know me know that I am not easily scared, especially when traveling. I've always traveled by myself, and I believe myself to be a very cautious traveler. I'm just getting more uneasy as we approach, but I am SURE it will be fine and dandy. Rick Steves' suggested the Hotel Rembrandt. Brian did his research and found that it is a VERY nice hotel, will run about 40 a person, and that it is located close to the consolate. Yay about that. Take that back. DOUBLE YAY!! Who knows what trouble could arise...maybe I'll laugh out loud or accidently pet a chicken that doesn't belong to me. Next thing I know, I'm in the stocks wearing a burka about to get my hand chopped off. Just a wee bit worried. Here's the link for the Hotel Rembrant:  http://www.hotel-rembrandt.com/  The site is in French; it could say stuff like, "We hate Americans. Don't come here or we will kidnap you." Again, slight anxiety. Don't worry mother, anxiety comes in all forms. I just ate half a pan of rice krispie treats (which by the way ya'll travel well overseas when wrapped in foil).

Peace and Blessings!

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