Monday, May 9, 2011

I am loving my freedom

WOOHOO I am done with college FOREVER! No more homework, no more classes, no more late night studying. More reading, reading, reading. I have been glued to the television, catching up on shows from January. It's been amazing! I finished LOST (what a great experience), started Glee (another great experience). I truly thing Glee was made for me. Why I didn't know about the auditions keeps me constantly confused. I could have been Rachel but much taller and so much more cooky.

With the trial, graduation, and the end of school coming up, it has been a bit crazy. I am loving the freedom. I am also getting pumped about my trip. I leave in a month! Isn't that nutso? I have almost everything booked. It's getting very real to me.

I know I had more to say than this, but I can't seem to take my mind off of Glee. I promise to be more diligent. Peace and blessings!

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