Monday, February 28, 2011

LOST update and another important annoucement

I've got three more episodes before I finish season 3. I don't know about your feelings towards Juliet and Jack, but right now, I hope a wave sweeps them off into the ocean in the dead of night so that a shark can have his dinner. Jack is being a turnip! Juliet with all of her calmness and crap. Well, you know what? Just go be calm ALL BY YOURSELF Juliet because you are a boobhead. I so wish I could say that to her face. But for now, I will just say it to myself. And to ya'll. AND how in the world did Locke's dad get there? This is just too weird. About Juliet, I do hope my feelings change about her because she is so pretty. I'm not being shallow or anything, but her bone structure is pretty darn awesome.

It's true. I could have found just a picture of Juliet, but Sawyer is so handsome. I mean, COME ON!

It's National Tooth Fairy Day!! I knew all of you would want to know about this day, so that you can celebrate it. It's February 28, and it makes me really excited makes me thankful that the tooth fairy doesn't have to come get my teeth anymore. That would be pretty bad if I was still losing teeth at my age. Nasty, rotting, decaying teeth is not what the tooth fairy had in mind, happy people. Did your parents keep all of the teeth you lost? Mine did. My dad still has them in film canisters marked Ashley, Brittany, and Caleb. Maybe he wants to make a necklace. Hhhhhmmmm.

Me circa 1985. Even then I knew I loved my teeth.
 Go brush your teeth and floss. Let's fight periodontal disease! Woohoo! To end this wonderful post, I will leave you with a Bernice quote. My mother, or G Unit as she is lovingly known, is famous for being funny and not realizing it. Here was a conversation we had yesterday about whether or not I should join the junior league:

Me: Mom, do you think I should joing the junior league?
Mom: What is it?
Me: It's a women's philanthropy group. (Here, I branch out into the pros and cons). So Mom, what do you think?
Mom: It would sound really good in your obituary.

Have a great Monday, and remember, anything you do today could go in your obituary.

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