Sunday, January 30, 2011

Brunch of the Munch: Overhang or Overhung?

HU girls brunch: L to R  Lindsey Holbert, me, Jillian Hicks, Valerie Hendrix, Amanda Burroughs, Carrie Scott, Lana Summit, and Callie Lillard. Oh and we can't forget Marie Antoinette.
My weekend. I'm going to skip Friday because it stunk. Saturday. I liked Saturday. It was our monthly (although we haven't had one in several months) Harding girls brunch. It was so great to see everyone and catch up. We heard all about skiing accidents and overhangs. It. Was. Amazing. And the food was superb. We had hashbrown casserole, french toast casserole, breakfast casserole, sweet, yummy, sticky bread, sausage balls, and nothing healthy. Julie was supposed to bring our one healthy dish, and she was a loser and got sick. Such a loserface, but we still love her. I made a new recipe, Blueberry Scones with Melted Peaches, and I was quite pleased with it. The melted peaches part gets everyone. How do you melt a peach? What is a melted peach? I think that Rachael Ray wanted to be really creative. That's my guess.

Then I went to Oaklawn for my friend, Carla's birthday. Did I ever see Carla that day to wish her a happy birthday? No, I did not. I hope she had a splendid day. It was my first Oaklawn experience, and it wasn't too shabby. I'd much rather be riding the horses then watching them run, but oh well. And it would have been even cooler had Mary Poppins come out on a carousel horse and wowed the crowd. I probably would have peed.

My heroine: Mary Poppins
My family from Memphis was visiting so I got to spend the majority of the day with them. It was great to see my Aunt Tricia and celebrate the good report she got last week. No more cancer. I've still not written a song, but I am feeling inspiration. It's coming, and it's gonna be good. Possibly a rap.

Have a great Monday everyone! And just to prepare you, I found this under my bed:
This is my diary from junior year of college. I will be sharing entries. This was the only time in my life when I kept a diary. I can't wait to share my deepest, darkest secrets with you :).

1 comment:

Christine said...

Hello! I love love your blog! I just got into the blog world myself, so I've been discovering all these wonderful people that keep blogs like you! I'm excited to keep up with you!
I loved seeing the HU girls brunch pic! Aww and so many Kojie's at one table! Those were the good ol days! :) Hope you are doing well, and I enjoyed reading this posting, it made me smile!