That was the day I had today. It was like Christmas on January 5! I found out that 18, yes EIGHTEEN, of my students from the bad campus dropped my class. I got a little misty eyed. You have NO IDEA (maybe some of you do) how difficult it is to teach a class with students constantly disrupting because they don't want to be in there. Well Merry Christmas to you too because I think we both got what we wanted. Trust me...I LOVE many of the students at that campus but some will be better off without my class. I wish them the best of luck in their ventures!
Now on to the second happy of the new bookshelf! I bought it from World Market, and I'm in love with it. My friends Jill and Kirstin helped me assemble it tonight. So much fun!
And to the last happy of the day...I got three new students in my 3rd block class today (I was at the good campus). They transferred from within the school. I asked the male student at the end of class, "How are you feeling about this class so far? You look a little worried."
"I feel extremely overwhelmed." I told him to give it another day or two. Then, as I was walking away, I heard the boy sitting next to him whisper to him, "Welcome to the hardest Spanish class of your life. You will die." I turned around quickly, and said, "Why, thank you!"
I prepare my kids for college, that's for sure. Happy Wednesday everyone! Peace and blessings!
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